Center For Ocean Sciences Education Excellence COSEE OCEAN
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Networking Workshop Leads to Productive Networking
07/27/2011 | Catherine Cramer, (OCEAN)
Tags: networking, networks, MSP, Noyce

A participant in last year's COSEE OCEAN session on using networks to communicate, held at the MSP conference, had some significant effects on a participant. He wrote to COSEE OCEAN PI Bob Chen to let him know, and to also propose developing a new network.....

Dear Bob
You may recall that we met at last January's MSP conference when you held a breakfast table meeting for environmentally related programs and then had us map out our social networks. I wanted to say hi, thank you for organizing that session and share some activities that grew out of that session.

In addition to my MSP work, I am involved with the Noyce Teacher Scholarship Program as PI of the Bryn Mawr - Haverford grant. Having made a nice connection with Jane Horwitz from Penn at your session, we organized a meeting of the directors of the 6 Noyce programs in Philadelphia (Penn, Drexel, Temple, St. Joes,
LaSalle and Bryn Mawr - Haverford). The directors were excited to brainstorm ways to build synergies between our programs and we ended up submitting a two-year Capacity Building grant to develop our regional partnership which is about to be funded. The reviewers really liked this idea of building connections across institutions in the region. I talked with Karen Stephenson this morning about being a consultant to the project which lead us to figure out how we both knew you. .....
Thanks again for your work which kick-started these exciting developments.
best wishes

Victor Donnay
Professor of Mathematics
Bryn Mawr College

Dr. Donnay went on to describe a potential new partnership between COSEE OCEAN and Noyce....stay tuned for further developments!

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